Thursday, March 5, 2009

Random links

Sunday, March 8 is International Working Woman's Day, which is celebrated here in China (and not in the US, unfortunately). Apparently, however, International Men's Day is celebrated in the US. That seems hardly fair to women in the States. So, happy Women's Day to all the women on Sunday.

I want to eat here when I get back to the US and visit LA at the end of May. Anyone want to go?

I thought the descriptions of the medical ailments in this article were way over-simplified, especially the ones for aortic stenosis and Graves' Disease. And the quote that "the two procedures were unrelated," referring to the operation for the perforated ulcer and the aortic stenosis...well...DUH.

1 comment:

  1. Justin's roommate found the Korean taco truck in LA and he said it was great!!
